Why Facebook Marketing Forms the Base of Online Marketing in 2020
When you think of social networks, which is the first one that comes to mind? Facebook. It’s gotten a bad rap over the last several years, but 68% of American adults use the platform at least once a day.
In the minds of many users, if your brand isn’t active on Facebook, it doesn’t exist. Facebook marketing services should form the basis of your marketing efforts.
Read on to understand why Facebook marketing services matter and some strategic hacks you can use to improve your social media game.
Audience Targeting Capabilities
People share a lot of information on Facebook. They share where they live, work, and play. They share their buying habits and relationship status. All of this is compiled by Facebook to create one of the most powerful audience targeting platforms. You can target by interests and geographic area.
For example, if you’re a wedding photographer, you can target women in a specific geographic area that follow pages like The Knot and other bride related pages.
Accomplish Any Marketing Goal
Do you want to generate leads, sales, or build brand awareness? You can no longer use old social media marketing tactics such as trust that organic posts will generate sales. Facebook’s advertising platform lets you achieve all of these marketing goals. You can create one campaign just for lead generation that takes users to a landing page on your website. You could drive traffic right to a product page to buy.
Split-Test Ads
You may have a strong advertising campaign, but there’s always room to make it better. Facebook has the ability to split-test your ads.
That means you can run the same ad and change one small thing about the ad. You can run an ad with a different headline or image. You can then compare the results and stick with the one that performs better.
Measure Success
Did you know that about 58% of business owners make decisions based on intuition? If you’re one of them, you want to shift to making decisions based on data. Facebook advertising is great at capturing data, so you can see what is generating the most ROI for your business.
Cross-Platform Promotion
You’re probably aware that Facebook is the proud owner of Instagram, another major social media platform. Facebook advertisers can take their Facebook ads and promote them on Instagram.
Facebook Marketing Services Are a Top Choice
You have many options to market your business online and off. One of the most effective ways to market your business is on Facebook.
There are many advantages of Facebook marketing. The big benefit is that the audience targeting is so precise, you can generate a high return with the right marketing message. You can test your ads and measure your results.
Are you ready to get started with Facebook marketing services? Contact us today to find out how we can help you build your business.