Understanding the Instagram Algorithm: With Answers from Instagram Themselves
It is no secret that Instagram’s algorithm is always changing. As social media marketers, we are always curious as to how it changes and how often. Does one specific type of content out-perform another? Does the type of account you have affect ranking (personal, business, creator, verified)?
Instagram’s @Creators account, recently shared a Q&A session on their stories to clear things up:
Q: How often do you change the algorithm?
A: Because it’s powered by machine learning, Instagram’s feed ranking is constantly adapting and improving based on new data.
This tells us that the algorithm is changing every single time we get on the app. Every like. Every comment, is affecting the algorithm! Focus on creating content that encourages your followers to like, comment, share and save the post! This will ensure that they will see it. Another tip? Tell them too! Tell them that the more they engage the more they see your content, because that’s how the algorithm according to Instagram works after all.
Q: Does the type of account you have impact ranking?
A: No, we do not favor posts from businesses or verified accounts in Feed. If you interact with that content more, of course it is more likely to appear at the top of your feed.
Myth busted: having a personal account increases your engagement. For us, the insights and analytics that come with a business account out weigh the slight increase in Instagram engagement that might come from a business account. Make the switch today if you haven’t already to gain access to those insights!
Q: Does Feed ranking favor videos over photos?
A: We don’t universally favor photos over videos. Your feed is customized for you, so it really depends on how you use Instagram. If you consistently watch a lot of videos that will be reflected in your feed.
Another myth busted: video content is king compared to photos. However, we look at it differently. The type of content you should focus on? Quality content. That could mean a 30-second video explaining your product, or a video testimonial about your services, performs better than a photo of you sitting down drinking coffee because your audience is entertained by it and learning from it.
Q: We hear that pods (i.e. groups of people who agree to like and comment on each others’ posts) can help a post appear higher in feed?
A: Authenticity and transparency are key to building sustainable engagement on Instagram. Trying to game the system may provide a short-term benefit, but it is not a recipe for success long term. In addition, Instagram’s feed ranking is powered by machine learning, which is constantly adapting to new patterns in data. So it can recognize inauthentic activity and make adjustments.
Q: Why won’t you go back to chronological feed?
A: Since switching to a ranked feed, the average post is now seen by 50% more followers than it did with the chronological model.
According to Instagram, chronological is never coming back. However, if people are engaging with your content that will send a trigger to the algorithm that those people love your posts, and they will see it at the top of their feed after you press publish!
Q: I’ve heard that the algorithm ranks posts higher that get a lot of likes or comments in the first 30 minutes?
A: False
If you don’t see the best engagement on your posts in 30 minutes, it does not mean your content is going to flop! That is another piece of false advice that Instagram answered. When you post, it shouldn’t be a race to see how many likes, comments, or shares you get. It should be impacting your audience so they can learn from you, connect with you, and eventually buy from you!
Q: I’ve heard that Instagram doesn’t count something as a comment unless it’s more than 1/2/3 words?
A: False
Every comment is a comment, but referring back to their previous answers the algorithm is smart and if you are leaving spamming comments (we see you with the “nice post” comments) then they aren’t going to improve your engagement. Other accounts will see right through the inauthenticity!
Instagram created the Creators account to share insider insights and tips to help content creators make the most use out of the platform. Follow them on Instagram @Creators!